Monday 4 March 2013

Don't call me a commitmentphobe

I have always been known as a commitmentphobe. Relationships that tentatively reach date number 4 or 5 are quickly ended as soon as anyone dare mention the word 'girlfriend'. Heaven forbid someone asks me to commit solidly to plans for a party or dinner outing more than 2 days in the future. The worst telephone conversation I've ever had was my best friend asking me to be her Bridesmaid and commit a whole weekend to her happy day over a year in advance. I don't know why this all is, maybe I'm fickel, maybe I suffer from major FOMO. But I want to tell you that today I committed.

I have spent today digging and composting flower beds, planting summer bulbs and seeds. I have also made a windowsill nursery to help saad plants begin life gently. To some gardening is not a big deal. But I have black thumbs and tend to avoid trowels and rakes. I have lived in my flat with its garden for 18 months and have never touched the flower beds until today. This is the longest I have lived in one place since leaving home and by planting the flowerbeds today I have committed to the flat for the forseeable future. By creating an indoor nursery I have committed to the seeds for the next few months. Today I have committed a big chuck of my life!

More than that, I feel like I have wooed London planting flowers intended to attract insects, birds and bees. I have added plants to the ecosystem which through photosynthesis will produce more oxygen. I'm aware it is a tiny effort that noone but me (and hopefully my upstairs neighbours) will notice. But today I committed to something.